By investing in robust health and safety policies, training, and infrastructure, we not only fulfil our moral and legal obligations but also create a positive work culture that drives employee satisfaction, engagement, and long-term success for Grobest.
To demonstrate our commitment to ensuring compliance with legal requirements and providing a safe, healthy and injury-free work environment, we uphold a comprehensive Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) policy, which has been in place since 2020.
We ensure that all our employees and suppliers adhere to our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Commitment Statement, which provides clear information about how to identify hazards and risks and the personal behaviours expected in relation to management of those hazards and risks.
Our Occupational Health and Safety Management (“OHSM”) system, which covers the Grobest group and all its subsidiaries, encompasses a range of proactive measures and protocols to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our employees, contractors, and stakeholders. Our approach is to involve every employee on the safety journey by raising awareness and continually raising their level of knowledge in keeping themselves and their colleagues safe incidents using a root cause analysis methodology to identify cause and weaknesses, implement corrective actions, and share preventive actions with other sites for group-level awareness and improvement.
To identify and eliminate hazards and minimise risks, we also assess the health status of employees before and during employment, which includes periodic and specialised health examinations, to manage risks from noise, dust, and chemicals.

Since 2022, we implemented our 6 Life Saving Rules, focusing on injury prevention and integrating safety into all aspects of our business operations. Born from an analysis of our most severe incidents, the program highlights six critical areas, including electrical safety, working at height, alcohol and drug prevention, fire and dust prevention, driving safety, and energy isolation. The Life Saving Rules aim to protect our employees from high-risk situations, prevent fatalities and serious injuries, and foster a strong safety culture. By adhering to these rules and our other safety protocols, we strive to achieve our goal of Zero Injury across all our facilities and operations. To enhance and implement a strong occupational safety mindset in our employees, we promote various types of occupational safety education and training.
Grobest is committed to providing an injury-free workplace for all employees, third-party contractors, and other stakeholders. We will continue to improve our safety protocols, enhance safety awareness through regular trainings, and implement proactive measures to identify and mitigate potential hazards.