We understand the operational risks that ingredients and their supply chains can have on our business. For example, our fishmeal supply chain is dependent on fish stocks and is uniquely vulnerable to climate change-induced sea surface temperature rises. Similarly, the plant protein portion of our feed supply is vulnerable to fluctuations in temperature as well as shifts in rainfall variability. It is therefore important that these types of vulnerabilities and potential impacts are managed effectively.
To reduce our impacts, as well as exposure to risks, we aim to increase the proportion of sustainable, responsibly and locally sourced ingredients used in our feed products over time. We also aim to ensure our raw materials comply with pertinent regulatory food safety requirements, controlling for key biological, chemical and physical characteristics, components, and production methods.

For marine sources of protein, we consistently follow the requirements of Best Aquaculture Practices or equivalent, ensuring that the ingredients used in our feed products come from areas that are free from overexploitation and not vulnerable to overfishing. We require suppliers to disclose critical sourcing information such as the country of origin, fishing zone, IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing compliance, or chains of custody, which allows us to trace raw materials, and prioritize sourcing from certified suppliers that adhere to protocols such as MarinTrust. MarinTrust certification ensures that the ingredients come from non-IUU fisheries that are well managed in accordance with the FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization) Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and that production is carried out to high standards of safety and quality, with sufficient care given to the environment, workforce and local communities.
For plant-based sources of protein, we ensure our suppliers implement sustainable agricultural practices that minimise impacts from land use (deforestation) or land use impacts on biodiversity. Our “Sustainable Sourcing Commitment to Soya Products” within our Supplier Code of Conduct specifies the following, and encourages all soymeal suppliers to establish their own deforestation-free commitments & policy:
- For all soy inputs, whether certified of not, we set clear goals for traceability to the country of origin, verification of chains of custody, exclusion of material derived from illegal deforestation, and exclusion of material derived from ecologically sensitive areas.
- We encourage suppliers to implement good agricultural practices that can prevent climate change, conserve water resources, and protect our land.
Additionally, wherever feasible, we source plant-based proteins from recognised certified sources such as the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP), the Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) Certification and/or related RTRS credit scheme, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), and ProTerra.
Our commitment is to continue to encourage and assist our suppliers in enhancing their business practices, particularly in achieving recognised certifications for sustainable aquaculture. We aim to increase the percentage of responsibly sourced, sustainable, and locally derived ingredients in our feed products.